New! Are you a founder or funder? Youre invited to our next event in Nashville, TN.

Peer mentorship for

high-growth ​Nashville startups

Powered by 700+ Startupnash community members including:

Who is in StartupNash?

240+ Active startups

Software platforms, software tools, Web applications, Services businesses, physical goods, Hardware, and more...

20+ Industries

Healthcare, B2B SaaS, B2C, Consumer apps, Web3, Compensation Management, Enterprise B2B, Food and Drink, Government, Logistics, Life Sciences, and more...

Become a member

Membership is for individual founders and funders with an interest in the Sunbelt region of the US., who want to make meaningful connections with the startup/tech community in Nashville.

Membership is also for startups, funds, founder resources and services who have a record of serving founders excellently. Leverage StartupNash’s network to gain traction.

StartupNash is a cheat-code for growth.


with peers

We use Britepeer to connect in the StartupNash Slack.

Meet our newest members:

A Freelance Front End Developer and Designer

waving hand

CEO and Cofounder

waving hand

Patient data tool in Healthcare

waving hand

e-Commerce founder

waving hand

Two-time entrepreneur with one exit

waving hand

AI application in the healthcare space

waving hand

SaaS platform for museums and entertainment

waving hand

Fundraising team leader

waving hand

Investment analyst

waving hand

Starting something new!

waving hand

First-time product founder

waving hand

...And more




Get a business profile

  • Building a business can be lonely.
  • Loneliness negatively effects our business and our personal mental-health. It shouldn’t be this way.
  • The Southeast US is home to insanely smart people with knowledge to share, many of whom are in this group.
  • When you join, you have the opportunity to make meaningful connections with early supporters through Britepeer.
  • Early supporters may include: customers, investors, mentors and peers.
  • The group is here for accountability, encouragement and on-going support of your professional journey.

Here’s how we help startups grow:

sun with face

We help you find your network of earliest supporters.

We share your growth milestones and community offers along the way.

We introduce you to peers to help you form strong accountability groups.

Increase deal flow

Find Nashville startups

StartupNash knows who is building in Nashville. You can join the group as a funder from anywhere in the world if you want to discover great Nashville-based companies.

  • Get access to our founder directory.
  • Add your Angel/Fund thesis information to our fundraising readiness founder resource.
  • Get matched with founders who fit your requests through Britepeer.

Here’s how we increase your deals:

sun with face
shooting star

Use the power of community to raise awareness about your fund, business or resource.

Use the tools we give you in the member dashboard to lead conversations about your expertise.

Leverage our community to help you get leads that perfectly fit your ICP or your deal flow.

Support when you need it

Meet your people

StartupNash is here for you. We celebrate with you when things are going ​well. We give you encouragement when things are not. Here’s what to ​expect when you join:

  • Meaningful connections through Britepeer.
  • Recognition and celebration of your milestones
  • Resource access, assistance, and accountability
  • Personalized support and mentorship
  • Intros to people who can help

Here’s what members have achieved through meaningful connection:

dollar banknote
waving hand
clinking beer mugs


soft ice cream



clapping hands


cheese wedge




light bulb



New business ideas

Your cheat code for growth

Join us

Here’s what members say about how StartupNash helps them:

I like posting here because it feels like a positive place. If people engage with things here it's almost always respectful, thoughtful, and meaningful.

This group in the last year has been so integral to my positive mindset. it's so refreshing to be part of a community that cheers one another on. We all know there are good days and bad days when you're running the show. Most are somewhere in between good and bad -- they're just days. To have a community of people who know what it's like to be in the trenches, that's a superpower. I'm grateful for this space.

After leaving my job to start my own business as a Freelance Brand Strategist & Designer, I've been able to use StartupNash to build a community of professional contacts that support me and provide advice. I've also found several business leads via Startup Nash and have been hired by those leads.

Most of all I've enjoyed being part of a community and getting to know others in the group.

After years of being on the fringe of some entrepreneur groups for not being in Tech or Healthcare, I finally feel like I have a place to talk openly about daily life as an entrepreneur. It's downright delightful.

It's a small group of Nashville startups, getting $h!t done. There is some fluff but they stay radio silent. For me, this is the real Nashville startup culture.

Creating new things is for the brave.

And charging for things you’ve created is downright insane. Or is it? In StartupNash, we give each other space to find out.

We’re a group of founders, funders, builders, sellers, try-ers, fail-ers, and get-back-up-and-try-again-ers. We’re beginners, and we’re experts -- life-long learners, we’re the midnight oil burners.

Startup life is lonely, so why not make it fun? Get yourself a dream team when you’re a team of one. Here’s a scary question. What if we opened up our rolodex and shared our best contacts? Our gift is context. We’re not Nashville nice, we’re kind and honest. Stand on our shoulders, closer to the SUN. We walked so you could run! What are you waiting for?

Let’s move together

Sharing knowledge spreads wealth.

We love

Music City

Follow our Spotify playlist.

StartupNash is owned by:


Hosted by

Kelley Griggs

Jamming from

Nashville, Tennessee 🪕