Become a member

StartupNash: For Nashville Startups

All Industries

All Stages

Nashville or Nashville connection

Membership is for:

  • Startups
  • Growing companies
  • Experts

A pre-built growth network for your startup

Goal : Increase awareness and adoption of your

Outcomes: This membership will help you:

đź’Ş Find talented teammates who have startup/tech experience.

🌞 Meet the Nashville startup scene to find supportive peers.

🍦 Market your business to an ICP of founders and funders.

🌟 Meet investors who love founders in the group.

Leverage our curated founder network to make your startup
stand out.

Marketing through community is a high-value, low cost way to
raise awareness about your business to early adopters. This
subscription positions your startup for early growth. It’s
comparable to a business networking group with a twist:
you’re using the community’s network to grow your business
intentionally, with goals and outcomes. Think of StartupNash
as your earliest marketing hire, but for the price of one single
social media marketing campaign.

  • Make meaningful connections with the community.
  • Instead of participating in conversations, you lead
    • Your logo/name appears on: the website, our events
      page, and in our newsletter for as long as you subscribe.
    • People can tag your business name or your name (you
      can make multiple profiles).
    • You can post an offer or resource on our new member
      landing page.
  • The Twist: ongoing intentional help positioning your startup
    for growth:
    • You get introduced to new community members
      through the registration Typeform who fit your ICP.
    • Post events, jobs, ads and updates in our newsletter.
    • Optional one meeting/month to set and execute early
      growth goals.


+ Cohost (sponsor) of all in-person events

+ Match with people who are looking for your company’s services in our Typeform

Available perks:

+ Dedicated space in our newsletter