Welcome to StartupNash

Thank you for your interest in participating as a member. StartupNash (SUN) is a supportive community for founders and funders. Our group provides resources and community for anyone who wants to learn or share their expertise about starting or growing a business.

Choose a membership

*Keep this tab open so you can join the Slack community.

Execute a community-driven marketing strategy through our Member Dashboard:

  • We’ll identify key groups in our community that fit your offerings.
  • Create monthly custom team promotions with help.
  • Get ongoing tailor-made matches to people who need your services.
  • Business listing in our AI-powered services directory with links to teammates
  • Space on our onboarding landing pages for your resources.
  • Track your team’s progress
  • Access to our Slack Community (join below).

Use the Member Dashboard to execute your ongoing early growth strategy:

  • Learn what stage your business is in.
  • Match with our network of peer founders, funders and experts based on your stage and needs.
  • Get actionable growth suggestions that help you reach all members each month.
  • Collaborate on a monthly awareness campaign for members who want to keep up with your business.
  • Track your progress.
  • Access to our Slack Community (join below).

Access our Slack Community (join below):

  • The more connections we can make, the greater our chances of success. This is an abundance game. Take advantage of our collective contacts and do something great!
  • Sharing knowledge spreads wealth.

What’s next?

  1. Join our community (below).

2. Let’s schedule a time to meet to talk about growth.

3.Setup monthly check-ins.

4. Update your milestones with the community.

5. We will give you ongoing resources to-dos and intros.

Join Our Community





Hosted by

Kelley Griggs

Made with love

in Nashville, TN