Become a member
Leverage our curated founder network
to find your best supporters.
💪 Find talented teammates who have startup/tech experience.
🌞 Meet the Nashville startup scene. I’ll intro you.
🍦 Market your business to an ICP of founders and funders.
🌟 Meet investors who love founders in the group, and love investing in Nashville.
+ Cohost (sponsor) of all in-person events
+ Match with people who are looking for your company’s services in our Typeform
+ Dedicated space in our newsletter
Learn more about paid member benefits ➡️
What’s next?
2. Schedule a time to meet.
3.Setup check-ins.
4. I’ll update your milestones with the community.
5. Get ongoing connections through Britepeer.
*We accept members in batches based on member needs, vertical, geographic footprint, and ability to match you to the correct people.
StartupNash is owned by:
Hosted by
Kelley Griggs
Made with love
in Nashville, TN